Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Diabetes Is A Blessing? Testimony #1

You are probably wondering why I would title my article like I did. If so then read on.
I was number ten of a family of eleven. When I was younger, as a matter of fact, nine years old I was still wetting the bed. The reason being that I could not process sugars and starches because my pancreas was not producing insulin. Back then my parents thought I was just too lazy to get up and use the bathroom. I went to a Catholic school and I would nod off during class. The nuns would whack me with a ruler to wake me up. They, nor I, at the time understand that I was suffering with either hyperglycemia, high blood sugar where an overabundance of sugar is circulating in the blood or hypoglycemia, low blood sugar where there is an inadequate about of glucose or fuel to the brain. I was constantly thirsty and would eat more food than any of my brothers. All these symptoms were signs of diabetes.
The treatment, back then, for type 1 sugar diabetes was insulin injections. I was a child with diabetes and everyone in my family wanted to know what could be done. Diabetes is a disease and there is no cure. So, why would I think it is a blessing? Read on.
Giving a child shots everyday, for my mother, was horrifying. Being number ten of eleven children I did not get a lot of attention until, whala! I was looked at as being different from the rest. My mother use to introduce me to people and say “This is my daughter and she is a diabetic but she does not look like one does she?” Even though diabetes is a disease I was not sure what I was suppose to look like. I finally got my moment in the sun.
I was a tomboy and liked to play kickball with the neighborhood boys. I was just a silly girl, until I started giving myself my own injections to help control my own blood glucose levels. Before that I was dependent on my mom. After I started giving my own injections the boys thought I was cool because I would go outside so they could see me stick this needle in my thigh and not cry. I was taking six shots a day to help control my diabetes.
None of my other brothers or sisters has type 1 diabetes mellitus but, the disease that six of them have is alcoholism. My father was an alcoholic but NOT a diabetic.
Diabetes usually runs in the family and may skip a generation but in my case it did not run in my family. Sooo, I ask myself like most other people with a disease, Why me?
Stay tuned for the next ten blessed years.

By Cazadora a very blessed sweet person of fifty years.
If you need money to take care of yourself click on Cazadora Too Sweet

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